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Cedar Shake Roofing in Alabama & the Florida Panhandle

At Homesouth Roofing, we understand how charming and durable cedar shake roofing is for a home. Cedar shake roofs are renowned for their natural beauty and exceptional resilience. Additionally, these roofs enhance curb appeal and provide outstanding insulation and long-lasting protection against rain, sun, and other outdoor elements. Our team is dedicated to installing, repairing, and replacing cedar shake roofs across many communities in Alabama and the Florida Panhandle. We ensure each property we work on enjoys cedar roofing’s distinctive style and benefits. Whether you want to preserve your existing roof’s integrity or invest in a new roof installation, Homesouth Roofing is ready to complete your project with impressive expertise and work quality.

A home with new siding and cedar shake roofing in Alabama or the Florida Panhandle

Reasons to Invest in a Cedar Shake Roof

At our company, safeguarding homeowners against the destructive forces of wind, rain, and hail is a top priority. Alabama and Florida can experience harsh, wet winters, with countless inches of rain falling on the roofs of local homes and businesses. This substantial rainfall can be a serious risk because of potential water damage to your roof, making preventive measures crucial to a home’s welfare. One of the most effective options for home protection against the elements is installing cedar shakes on your roof. A cedar shake roof is aesthetically pleasing and remarkably durable. This natural material is capable of withstanding everything from heavy hail to intense snowstorms. In fact, cedar roofs are known to last about ten years longer than traditional asphalt shingles, so homeowners enjoy long-term peace of mind with a reliable rooftop defense against unpredictable weather. We recommend cedar shakes because they combine beauty and resilience to keep your home safe for years.

How Is Cedar Shake Roofing Beneficial for Homes?

You might question if spending money on a new cedar shake roof is a wise decision. Homesouth Roofing assures you this roofing choice is an excellent choice for many reasons. The advantages of cedar roof shingles can compel you to cover your home and enjoy years of protection and a beautiful appearance. Below, we’ve described several benefits of cedar roofing:


  • An Elegant, Classic Look – Cedar shakes bring a charming rustic feel to your residence, transitioning over time from a deep, earthy hue to a stunning silvery finish.
  • Durability and Strength – Cedar roofing stands as one of the longest-lasting options for homes, making it a highly economical choice in the market.
  • Resistant to Elements – Cedar shakes are designed to withstand severe rain and effectively block heat during the peak of summer.

  • Increased Property Value – Installing a cedar roof makes your home look more attractive and significantly boosts its value when you decide to sell.
  • Environmentally Friendly – Notably, cedar shakes are a highly sustainable roofing material compared to nearly all other options.

Seasoned Experts in Repairing & Replacing Cedar Roofing

As local experts in commercial and residential roofing installations, repairs, and replacements, Homesouth Roofing has handled a broad range of roofs and materials. Our extensive experience has given us outstanding industry skills and expertise in keeping homes dry and safe with cedar shake roofing. We’ll gladly assess your cedar roof’s condition if you notice issues or if it’s been a while since you last had a professional look at it. If we find damage or issues, our team will repair your roof with timely and careful work. However, some cedar shake roofs need more help than repairs. In these cases, we may need to replace it with new cedar roof shingles to restore its condition and effectiveness. You can relax knowing we always use high-quality materials paired with our service professionals’ unbeatable work quality. Furthermore, we emphasize approaching every project with the best possible customer service to ensure homeowners are completely satisfied with their experience.

Reach Out to Homesouth Roofing for Professional Results

Homesouth Roofing is well-known in local neighborhoods as a dependable roofing service provider because of our impressive work quality and service experience. We value your trust and honor it with honest service, competitive prices, and high-quality, long-lasting project results. You might need simple repairs for your cedar shake roofing, or you may require a complete roofing installation. Our team is ready to respond to your service request and safeguard your home against rain, sunlight, and other outdoor threats to your home’s comfort and wellness. Contact us today for more information about our cedar roofing options and to schedule service at your property.

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